Jolly Phonics Extra

Jolly Phonics Extra

₹ 16,755

A complete kit of resources to aid struggling readers to achieve complete literacy, Jolly Phonics Extramakes reading more accessible for those children who struggle with learning to read, giving them a variety of different ways to access the texts and improve their skills.


Price: Rs.16775

With Vat: Rs.16775


Pages: One kit

Size: 333x265x13


Product Description

The TalkingPEN allows children to work alone, or in small groups in order to check their own progress without pressure, while the extra letters give the children subtle clues for the correct pronunciation of alternative letter sounds, enabling them to build their confidence and abilities until they can read fluently.

The kit comes with a Jolly Phonics Extra Guide and a Jolly Phonics Extra Getting Started Guide.


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